

Monday, February 28, 2011

10 Blogs To Follow That Will Help You Learn How to Improve Your Own Blog

So you’ve managed to fumble your way through the initial stages of getting your blog up and running. Now what? Sometimes it’s difficult to know what to do next to make your blog more popular or more appealing. Being your own boss is great, but it also often means that there are few others to turn to when it comes to advice on what the next step in elevating your business will be. However, there are plenty of other entrepreneurs, many of them quite successful, who have come before you and have probably asked themselves some of the same questions you are asking yourself.

Maybe you have gotten your feet under you when it comes to running your blog or you are still struggling to gain a little traction and aren’t quite sure which way to take your blog. Either way, here are a few sites devoted to making blogs better that you might want to check out in order to pick up some tips or advice.



Pick through their news, read some editorials, and sift through a plethora of interviews, reviews, and stories. If you’re looking for relevant blogging subject matter, there is plenty to be found at

Utilize founder Darren Rowseâ years of experience blogging to discover tips and tidbits that can help you with your own blog. This blog is stuffed to the gills with plenty of articles and information about how to better your blog. If you can’t find ways to increase your blog’s quality and popularity here, you just aren’t looking.



Utilize founder Darren Rowseâ years of experience blogging to discover tips and tidbits that can help you with your own blog. This blog is stuffed to the gills with plenty of articles and information about how to better your blog. If you can’t find ways to increase your blog’s quality and popularity here, you just aren’t looking.


Grab a podcast, watch a video post, or just read a post or two related to blogs, blog traffic, internet marketing, business strategy, entrepreneurship, and a number of related topics. Follow founder Yaro Starak as he provides “Down-to-Earth” tips and advice for all you bloggers and marketers out there.


Read some informative posts, pick up some great tips, or visit the site’s ‘Directory’ page, which provides information about some of the online world’s big-time players. For a great motivational story, check out the “About” page to read the founder’s feel good story that brought him to where he is today, and discover the site’s “Philosophy and Business Model”.


A no-frills, content heavy blog, focuses on providing it’s readers with posts that might prove helpful in elevating their blog’s quality. Whether you are an entrepreneur who is blogging full time or just blogging for a little extra cash, you can read informative posts here that can help you with your work.


Follow founder Chris Garrett’s site as it explores thoughts and advice related to blogging and marketing. Included among Chris’s many titles are professional blogger, writer, speaker, and internet marketing consultant. You can discover more about his consulting services on the site.


From “Blogging Basics” to “Blogging Design” and projects, offers a variety of blogging and blog-related subject matter.


There is certainly no lack of blogging information at Pick through their news, read some editorials, and sift through a plethora of interviews, reviews, and stories. If you’re looking for relevant blogging subject matter, there is plenty to be found at


You might want to visit the blog for a variety of informative articles, interviews, and even a bit of humor. There is plenty of pertinent, industry related subject matter to be picked up at the site, but the topics related strictly to business are balanced nicely with a more human touch in posts like, “Why Many Successful People Become Jerks”.


Maybe your copywriting isnâ as strong as you would like it to be. If that is the case then you might consider stopping in for a visit at Among the subject matter to be found at are available copywriting courses, SEO copywriting information, headline writing tips, and plenty of articles to help beef up your writing abilities.


If you want to keep up with the latest trends in blogging then might be worth a visit. Not as business related as many of the other sites on this list, offers more of a taste of what’s new in blog pop-culture and blogging trends. Read about things like White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs’ new Twitter account, Britney Spears’ Twitter account being hacked again or review the celebrity most listed Twitter accounts. On a more personal note, the last time I visited the site, I got a laugh from the site’s video clip, “The Onion Covers Parents Facebook Stalking Their College-Aged Kids


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