

Thursday, March 10, 2011

21 Google Search Tips for Novice to Advance Users

Google is top search engine because it is most powerful and most helpful. So all day I stick with it. Not only me but most of bloggers stick with it. If I have any query to search, any question in my mind simply I use Google search. But most of users search Google in very simple way but there are some advance tricks to search Google like never before.

Basic Search Tips
(1) Search Google for any query in any way it will return with some results if your query is not so complicated. As I search Google for my name Madhav Tripathi. You can search any name, number word or phrase. If you are searching for a company just search it by its name. The same way you can search a city name, country name.

(2) If you are looking for some special query as restaurants in Ahmedabad you can search for restaurants ahmedabad.

(3) Keep your search simple for good results as you are looking for bookmarking sites. If you are searching for Aishwarya Rai, it is good to search her by her name rather than Indian actress Aishwarya Rai or Bollywood actress Aishwarya Rai. If you are not getting by simple search you can add related words in your query.

(4) Google is case insensitive for search so it does not matter what case you use to search. I can search Google for madhav tripathi, Madhav Tripathi or MADHAV TRIPATHI; all three queries will bring same result. Sometimes it can make difference if you looking for exact query.

(5) Google simply ignores punctuation including @#$%^&*()=+[] and other special characters so you should not use any punctuation in queries unless you are searching for exact query. If you do so Google is not much helpful.

Some punctuation that has particular meaning that cannot be ignored as C++, C#, If you use $ sign with a number it will be used to include prices.

Advance Search Tips
(6) For advance search you can use phrase search that will come with more relevant results and it will exclude results that are less important. You can search for your name by entering your name but if you use double quotes “madhav tripathi” rather than madhav tripathi for your name it will come with some results but they will be more accurate.

(7) Search a specific website
If you want to search about India in you can use this:

This will bring all the posts about India from

If you use below query to search Google it will bring results about India only from .gov sites.

If you use above query it will bring results about India only from Indian websites.

(8) Exclude terms you do not want:
If I search about my name Madhav Tripathi it will include all the results about TechShali because it is my blog and it include my name but if I do not want to include techshali results with my name I will search for
madhav tripathi -techshali

In above search I used minus sign (-) immediately before techshali because I do not want to include techshali results.

(9) Use wildcard
It is less popular search tips because users do not know why it works but if you want to see the difference you can search Google with wild card (*) and without wild card (*).

(10) Search for as is result
When you search something Google provides relevant result and includes all the information but if you want to search exact you typed you can use plus sign (+).

If you search for techcrunch you will get results about techcrunch, if you search about mashable you will get results for mashable and if you search for techcrunch mashable, Google will show you all the results related to techcrunch and mashable but if you search for techcrunch +mashable (no space after + sign) you will get only those results that includes techcrunch and masahble both in a single line in a document.

(11) Use OR operator
If you search IPL 2009 2010 will give you results for both years but if you search IPL 2009 OR 2010, it will give you results for 2009 or 2010. Use capital OR in higher case.

(12) Search weather
If you want to know the weather of Ahmedabad city search for weather Ahmedabad, you can weather of any city using the same.

(13) Use Google as calculator
Google is an online calculator or you can use it as

45 * 25
It will tell you 1125

45 + 25
it will tell you 70

45 – 25
result will be 20

57% of 700
it will tell you 399

(399 * 100) / 700
You can use Google for percent counting. If you enter above query you will get 57.

(14) Find stock quotes
If you know the name of ticker you can get the stock quote

for google stock
For Microsoft stock

(15) Search Document types
filetype:ppt money making
This will show you Power Point results for money making

You can search same term for different document types
filetype:pdf money making (for PDF documents)
filetype:doc money making (for Microsoft word documents)
filetype:xls money making (For Microsoft excel files)

(16) Convert currency
100 INR in USD
100 GBP in USD
You can use this converter for many more things
100km in meters

(17) Search Time
You can search Google for time
If you want to know the time of Ahmedabad of India, you can time for any country.
time Ahmedabad
time India
time Pakistan

(18) Search patent numbers
If you want to search for patent numbers use this
Patent 5123123
You can change 5123123 by your number of patent.

(19) Search Maps
If you want to search map of a country or city use this
map city name or country name
Ahmedabad map
India map

(20) Check spellings
You can use Google for spelling correction.
If you type ahmodabad instead of Ahmedabad by mistake it will ask you as:
Did you mean: Ahmedabad

(21) Use search operators
Google has some of very useful search operators that you use.
This will tell you the meaning of Mango form web dictionaries. You can search any meaning using this operator but it works mostly for single words not a phrase. However it will tell you the definition of mango tree.
It will show you related sites to However it is not so much helpful.
it will show you cache of
This will show you list of websites that link to
If you use this operator for techcrunch it will show you only one result
It will show you all the pages of your site if it is not penalized by Google.


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