

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Blogging Tips From Successful Entrepreneurs That Will Increase Your Traffic and Visibility

Increasing traffic and visibility of your blog can be a tricky thing to do successfully. Let’s face it: there are hundreds of thousands of blogs, and probably thousands that are already focused on your area of expertise. So how do you stand out? How do you get users to your site rather than the competitions?

These are problems many entrepreneurs also face day to day. Fortunately, we can apply what we do as entrepreneurs to blogging, since the key is acting like an entrepreneur to build your visibility and increase your traffic. Here are a few tips on how you can not only gain visitors, but keep them coming back for more!

First, get them to find your site. You can do this through a variety of methods, including:

1) SEO your site and each of its pages and blog posts with metadata, keywords and tags. Use services like Google AdWords to research and find great keywords for your blog and use them in the metadata and in your blog posts. Don’t overdo it though! You don’t want to be caught as being spammy. Using a keyword 3-5 times is just enough.

2) Promote your blog using social media. Make sure you are actively contributing to Twitter and Facebook, and use services like,, and, sending them to all your friends and asking them to share and comment! Network your way to increasing your readers. Don’t be afraid to ask your friends to spread the word! Also, don’t forget to have your social media icons displayed on your blog so your current readers can easily share with their social networks.

Next, get them coming back for more. Try these ideas:

3) Use social media to keep your readers engaged. Dedicate at least two hours per day to commenting, tweeting, posting, re-tweeting, answering comments and questions from friends and followers, as well as random people. With services like Hootsuite and Tweetdeck, it has become very easy to see what people are saying about topics that relate to you and your blog. Spend some time looking through these streams and find ways to interact with new audiences, as well as stay in touch with current followers of your blog.

4) Last thing to remember, keep your audience engaged! Do this by choosing interesting and relevant topics…not just to your issue, but to current events and happenings. This will also help people find your blog when they are searching for current news-related themes. Know your audience and write about things that matter to them. You aren’t going to be successful being everything to everyone, so pick and get comfortable with your target audience and write according to their interests and what you know! If you engage your audience well, some will feel compelled to write comments, which you will need to answer. So careful not to find yourself with your pants down. Choose relevant topics, but write about what you know and can back up.


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