

Thursday, March 17, 2011

How to Make Money selling advertisement via BuySellAds Network

imageAs we all know direct ad selling is the best way to make money from a blog website. But what you will do if you are not able to get many advertisers on your blog directly or want to increase your earnings by selling more banner and text ads on your blog. The solution to this problem will be joining a popular ads buying and selling network. And is one such network where you can actually buy some advertisement and also sell banner and textual ads on your blogs as additional revenue stream with your regular income streams like Google Adsense, Affiliate, Kontera or infolinks ads.

I’m writing about BuySellAds (BSA) as a way make more money from your blog as I himself have good memories of making money with this ad network. I have so far sold many ad slots on my blog through BSA in the last 55 days of my existence with them. And in this duration, I have been able to earn three hundred dollars by selling banner ads on my ScopeForMoney blog only. Here is a screenshot of my latest earnings transactions with BSA:


What is BuySellAds?

It’s a marketplace for buying and selling of ads. As a publisher, you will be making money showing ads on your blogs and websites. And as a Advertiser, you will be getting your ads shown on the best positions and on the best blogs in your niche.

How to Start with BSA

Making money with BuySellAds is not that much difficult if you have a blog with decent traffic, good Alexa rankings and will have added benefit if your blog has good page rank. So to start with, create a publisher account on BSA and submit your best blog on which you want to sell ad space. Once your blog gets approval from BSA team, add different zones in your BSA account where you are interested in showing banner and textual ads. And don’t forget to include BSA Script in your blog template, so that the amount of impressions, different ads will be getting can be estimated. If you don’t have a high traffic website, I would suggest keep the advertising rates cheap so that advertisers actually show interest in your blog and some of them will even buy some banner ads on your blog. You can think of increasing advertising rates as the amount of traffic and advertisers on your blog gets high.

Earning Ratio 75:25

BuySellAds will keep the 25 percent of each ad sold on your blog and will send the rest of 75 percent amount to you for that sold ad. Suppose, you sold a 125*125 banner ad on your blog carrying $20 as total value, in this case, BSA will credit $15 into your BSA account and will keep the rest of $5 into its pocket. It looks very fair to me as lots of companies charge much more than this. You will find easy and even enjoy selling ads with BSA. You will be able to sell lots of ads on your blog through this network, in the absence of which, you would never have been able to sold many of those ads with direct advertising methods. So it’s like making some money on your blog selling ads through BSA and doesn’t; wait for the direct advertisers approaching you for advertisements.

Automatic System in Place

Another food thing that you will find while working with BSA is that you will hardly need to do anything as most of processes are automatic. Once you have added the code as per your ad zones on your blog, you just need to approve the ads that reach to your BuySellAds account for approval. Once you approve an ad, it will instantly start showing on your blog. Here are some more facts that you can keep track of from your BSA account:

  • Each Ad Zone detail like, number of spots sold and available for sale
  • Number of impressions you sent in the last 30 days for each ad zone
  • ECPM it’s the average cost advertisers are paying per thousand impressions for a ad zone on your blog
  • Clicks count on different sold ads on your blog with custom dates in place
  • Keep track of all transactions coming into your BSA account
More Features that I love about BuySellAds

BSA offers flexible cashout options and $50 being the minimum cashout. We can send cashout to our paypal account twice in a month, which is amazing. Users can get cashout via check once in a month, cashout via wire transfer once in a week. There is $35 fee associated with wire transfer and the minimum balance for wire transfer cashout is $500.

So create a publisher account on BuySellAds today to start making money on your blog selling ads on your blog through them if you don’t have. And how is your experience with BSA so far in case you are currently showing BSA ads on your blogs as additional income stream.


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