

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Why I do Not Accept Guest Posts?

Every bloggers aim is to get guest posts. There are plenty of benefits of guest posts. If you get guest post as a blog owner this mean you are an influencer. You can motivate others, people trust in you and you have a popular blog, and other bloggers will write for you for free because they will get backlink and free promotion. So guest author and blog owner both are in win win situation.

I am not in opposition of guest author or posts, I also like if anyone will like to write for my blog as a guest author. And I have some guest posts as well. But those posts are not from bloggers, those authors are representative of companies or they do SEO and promotion work for such companies. In any case they are going to paid as an individual or contractor or an employee. These kind of authors use their own links in their posts and use different byline in different articles. Most of the posts are promotion and SEO (linkbait) for websites they work for. I think these posts are not going to help me or you as a blog owner. These posts have poor quality and unrelated topics. These authors can not understand audience of a website. In more these posts can not bring traffic from search engines and sometimes can harm your rank and reputation.

So now I accept guest posts only from bloggers who are already blogging and have their own blog. But unfortunately I did get any post from a blogger that is interested to write.

If you remember Amit Agrawal of Labnol, he also invite guest authors but I never find any guest post on Labnol. What could be the reason for it? No one is interested to write for Digital Inspiration or not any post got approval from Amit Agrawal.


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